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Showing 41 - 49 of 49 Posts

Girl's "Amazing" Graduation Gift From Dad is a 13-year Labor of Love

For 13 years, Bryan Martin kept the book hidden from his daughter, dutifully taking it to her teachers, coaches and school principals every year to have them append it with positive comments and messages. Finally, on the day of her graduation from high school, Brenna Martin received a special copy of the Dr. Seuss classic "Oh, the Places You'll Go!'' At first she just smiled and said, I love that book. But then he told her ‘No, open it up.'

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Coping With Disappointment Like Edison

In life you will have many trying times but there is a tremendous capacity within us to rise above any situation, any challenge, any limitation. Always we must know that if I'm discouraged or disappointed it's not because of what happened, it is a result of my own consciousness, my own negative awareness.

Fencing Program Enriches Inner City Kids

Peter Westbrook’s mother encouraged him to channel his aggression into the art of fencing at age 14. Her hunch paid off and Peter won not only a path away from drugs and street crimes, but 13 US National titles, three Pan American gold medals and a Bronze medal in the 1984 Olympics.

All the Good Things About You

I asked the class to list the names of the other students in the room and think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

A Society Without Criminals

Anthropologists once examined a society that utilized a special technique for the treatment of those members who chose to break rules or violate customs, which were predominantly children.

Break Out Of The Grasp Of Your Past!

We have to look beyond our past experiences and how are parents raised us. (If they were traumatic or regrettable experiences.)And the next time you hear yourself blaming your actions on the way your parents raised you, stop, and say I have a choice and I can transcend my presently perceived limitations.