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Showing 301 - 320 of 374 Posts

Home Solar Leasing Pumped Nearly $1 Billion into California in 2012

The number of homeowners installing solar panels leased from third parties is skyrocketing in the US, particularly in states like California with an incentive program like "One Million Solar Roofs. This week comes news that third-party-owned solar transactions have pumped more than $938 million into California's economy in 2012, a record-high annual amount equal to that of all the previous five years combined.

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Viet Nam Ranks Second on the Happy Planet Index

Despite complaints of traffic jams and overcrowded hospitals and schools, Viet Nam is considered the second happiest country in the world in terms of sustainable well-being -- behind Costa Rica, with Colombia third. The ranking, the Happy Planet Index, was compiled and released by the New Economics Foundation, a UK independent think tank that wanted to create an index to measure the sustainability of a country and the happiness of its people (how efficient is their happiness).

Artificial Trees Capture Both Sun and Wind Energy

Using cutting edge materials and proven technology to harvest energy from the sun and wind, SolarBotanic is planning to produce artificial trees that look like real plants, but produce electricity when the wind blows and sun shines.

Iceland's Volcanoes May Power UK

The volcanoes of Iceland could soon be pumping low-carbon electricity into the UK under government-backed plans for thousands of miles of cables across the ocean floor, taking advantage of abundant geothermal energy there.

Soccer Ball Creates Usable Energy With Every Kick

25 percent of the world's population, more than 1.5 billion people, live in areas with no access to electricity. After considering this problem, four Harvard University engineering students dreamed up an innovative solution. They developed the sOccket -- a soccer ball that creates usable energy from every kick.

Another Advancement in Hydrogen Fuel Uses Cheap Abundant Sulfide

The hydrogen fuel process has been limited by the lack of perfect parts. Platinum works, it's just too expensive and rare. Now, scientists have found and tested an abundant and inexpensive catalyst — molybdenum sulfide — a necessary step on the road to the elusive clean, green hydrogen economy.

How Boulder Took Over Its Electric Company

The city of Boulder, Colorado has won the right to take its power supply—and carbon emissions—away from corporate control and redirect it toward the sun. The change for Boulder came in November when voters passed two ballot measures that allow the city to begin the process of forming its own municipal power utility to take advantage of the 300 days of annual sunshine.

Apple to Build Largest Private Solar Array in the US

The world's most valuable company, Apple, has announced plans to build America's largest private onsite solar array at their North Carolina data center. Apple's data center in Maiden is already one of the most energy-efficient of its kind, earning a coveted LEED Platinum certification.

London Raises Bar on Greening the Games

A new Olympic Park arose in a once derelict and contaminated industrial area of east London turning neglected waterways into wildlife havens. Almost 500 acres of land (200 hectares) have been razed and redeveloped for the 2012 Olympic Games, and 45 of those have been given over to creating new wildlife habitats for kingfishers, bats, otters and snakes -- while much of the rest has been left as parkland.

Canadian Researchers Create Wireless Charger for Electric Cars

Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they've found a way around the nuisance and potential danger of repeatedly having to plug in an electric car to get it moving again. The university's physics department says it has developed a way to wirelessly recharge the vehicle.

Daryl Hannah to Receive 2011 Environmental Hero Award

Actress and filmmaker Daryl Hannah has been selected to receive the 2011 Environmental Hero award this Earth Day. Hannah's long past in promoting sustainability as well as her work founding the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance made for an ideal honoree.

Your Next Car Will be Made of Pineapples and Bananas

Scientists have developed a new fiber from fruits like pineapples and bananas that is almost as strong as Kevlar, the fiber used in bulletproof vests. The new "nono-cellulose" fiber will help bring in an era of plastics that are stronger, lighter (which will improve fuel efficiency in cars), and more environmentally friendly than those in use today.