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Scientists Are Recycling Wastewater to Reclaim Valuable Phosphorous to Put Back in Soil

Scientists have taken pollutant phosphorus from wastewater and infused it into a soil superfood called biochar to really "close the loop" on several widespread agricultural practices. The biochar itself is made from incinerated organic material inside an oxygen-deprived environment, turning it into charcoal that acts like an underground rainwater sponge that also delivers the necessary […]

Are There Any Environmentally-Friendly Air Conditioners Out There? (Some Good News)

Reprinted via EarthTalk®, From the Editors of E – The Environmental Magazine Are there any environmentally friendly air conditioners out there? Traditional air conditioning units consume significant amounts of energy and rely heavily on refrigerants that contribute to global warming. The good news is that there are several environmentally-friendly air conditioning options available today. One […]