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Showing 81 - 84 of 84 Posts

Aung San Suu Kyi Finally Claims her Nobel Peace Prize, 21 years Later

Suu Kyi received two standing ovations inside Oslo's city hall as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech 21 years after she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflagging support for democracy in the face of arrest and imprisonment in her military-controlled homeland of Myanmar. The 66-year-old champion of political freedom praised the power of her 1991 Nobel honor both for saving her from the depths of personal despair and shining an enduring spotlight on injustices in distant Myanmar.

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Paralyzed Girl Succeeds in Getting Out of Wheelchair

Vanessa Cantu considers herself an incredibly optimistic person. When she was a freshman in high school she was involved in a serious car accident. Her seat belt didn't work and without its support her spine broke and she suffered severe, internal injuries. From that point on Cantu's life became fixated on finding a way out of her wheelchair and back on her feet.