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Cash-strapped School Sees 'Outpouring of Love' After Newspaper Reveals Budget

A report in the Philadelphia Inquirer in November featured a school in Germantown that didn't have any extra money in their budget to even buy all the paper they would need. At first, readers responded by sending in reams of paper to Lingelbach Elementary. But then thousands of dollars in donations started arriving -- enough to update books in their library and provide supplies to every teacher.

Town Celebrates Renewal By Building Giant Phoenix, and Burning It Down

The first Firebird Festival lit up the sky 12 years ago, a celebration in homage to the rebirth of one Pennsylvania town named Phoenixville. A former steel hub, Phoenixville rose to prominence in mid-19th century. When the factory began its decline–and eventually closed in 1986–the town, too, fell into disrepair. Slowly, Phoenixville has begun its resurrection […]

Pizza Man With Heart Funds Elderly Meals Program

The owner of Fox's Pizza, Tom Wynkoop, who earned media attention in early January after he volunteered to deliver their medicines to any homebound residents during an extreme snow storm in Pennsylvania, received many donations in the mail from strangers who heard about the gesture. Wynkoop thought about positive avenues in which to distribute the money, and he chose the local Meals on Wheels program, which delivers hot meals to shut-ins. He then matched the donations, doubling the amount of the check to $2,000.

Children's Paintings Sold to Support School Arts Programs

In the hard-hit city of Philadelphia, a former art curator Barbara Chandler Allen was disgusted by cutbacks to arts funding for students, especially because it so disadvantages the poorest schools where kids are most in need of positive outlets. Lucky for the kids, Barbara stumbled onto a big idea after enlarging some of their art and realizing it was in high demand for the walls in office buildings.