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Long-Lost Renoir Returned to Baltimore Museum

A tiny Renoir painting has returned home to a gallery in the Baltimore Museum of Art nearly 63 years after it was stolen and then kept mysteriously hidden for decades until it resurfaced in 2012. Museum officials were thrilled and a little teary-eyed when it was returned to its rightful home.

Internet Campaign to Preserve Historic Manuscripts Raises $42K

Last year in Timbuktu, an irreplaceable trove of manuscripts at risk of being destroyed by advancing fundamentalist rebels, was secretly evacuated at great personal risk by a team of archivists, librarians, and couriers. The manuscripts were saved from immediate destruction, but today they are still jam packed in footlockers used for their evacuation, while enduring higher humidity than ever before, without protection. Now, an internet campaign launched to fund the purchase of archival bags and boxes to protect these documents has engaged people around the globe and raised $42,500.

Early Relic Suggests First Americans Were Stone Age Europeans Who Traveled West 20,000 Years Ago

Archaeologists have long held that North America remained unpopulated until about 15,000 years ago, when Siberian people walked or boated into Alaska and then moved down the West Coast. But a dark, tapered stone blade, found near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, turned out to be 22,000 years old, suggesting that its makers probably paddled from Europe and arrived in America thousands of years ahead of the western migration.