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Showing 81 - 97 of 97 Posts

Tuskegee Airmen Join Obamas for White House‎ Screening of New Lucas Film About the Black Aviators

President Barack Obama and the First Lady invited Star Wars Director George Lucas and a few of the cast members from his new film, Red Tails, to the White House Friday for a movie night. But the guests of honor were a few of the original Tuskegee Airmen, the black WW II aviators whose story -- brought to the big screen thanks to Lucas's own money -- is opening in theaters on January 20.

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Biker Thug Becomes Unlikely Hero to Many

When the former drug addict and biker thug, Sam Childers, (along with his former stripper wife) got a hold of some old-time religion, he became an unlikely hero to over a thousand children in war-torn Sudan. He is now the subject of the new movie "Machine Gun Preacher" starring Gerard Butler.