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Cat Returns Home 6 Months After Hurricane Sandy

It's a miracle for a couple whose cat bolted out the door six months ago after Hurricane Sandy forced the family to flee their New Jersey home. No one can detail the cat's amazing journey, but the feline somehow managed to travel eight miles to find his Toms River home.

Climber Finds and Turns In Jewels Lost in Alpine Air Crash 50 Years Ago

A French climber scaling a glacier off Mont Blanc stumbled across a treasure trove of emeralds, rubies and sapphires that had been buried for decades following a plane crash. When the honest young hiker realized the jewels -- estimated to be worth a quarter million dollars -- belonged to someone who died on the glacier, he turned in the haul to local police

Returned Wallet Restores Mother's 'Faith in Humanity'

Every once and a while someone does something that restores your faith in humanity. That is how Dayton-area mom, Andy Robinson of Bellbrook, said she felt when two Fairborn students found the wallet her son lost at a high school football game and didn't rest until they returned