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Kentucky Man Buys Out K-Mart Store, Donates it All to Charity

A business owner realized, It's time to give back, after years of seeing needy people selling their stuff in his jewelry-exchange business. Rankin Paynter was shopping at a Kmart that was closing its doors in Winchester, Kentucky and decided on-the-spot to buy the rest of its contents and give it away to charity -- $200,000 worth of clothing, shoes, pharmacy items and supplies.

Men Surprise Kentucky Kids With Santa's Secret Hands

A group of Kentucky men never thought it would get this big. Starting with a notion to raise a few thousand dollars to buy Christmas presents for needy kids in their area, the Edmonson County friends in nine years have bought $270,000 worth of holiday happiness for others.

Kentucky Facebook Users Rally to Help Homeless Woman Find Shelter in Cold

Over the years, a homeless woman known as Dorothy with her carts filled with plastic bags became a familiar fixture to Lexington residents. She had always refused any invitation to accept shelter, preferring to sleep outside, whatever the weather. But things changed this past weekend, with the approaching arctic blast and its promise of temperatures that could induce frostbite.