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Dow Hits Five-year High on Jobs Report

The Dow Jones industrials index climbed to its highest level in nearly 5 years on Friday, after a surprise drop in the unemployment rate pointed to continued improvement in the labor market. The S&P 500 rose for a fifth straight day and was also on course to close near a 5-year high.

Booming Short Sales Poised to Overtake US Foreclosures

Banks are slashing the asking prices of homes with delinquent loans to their lowest levels in at least seven years, making it easier for homeowners to get out from under troubled mortgages and more appealing for homebuyers to snap up properties at a discount.

Dow Surges to Record … and Keeps Going

The Dow closed at an all-time high Tuesday, beating the previous record it set in October 2007, before the financial crisis and Great Recession. The Dow Jones industrial average jumped from the opening bell, climbing as much as 158 points early and closing at 14,253.77.