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Marine Vet Crushed on Harley Invents Illuminated Windshield for Bikers

After a debilitating motorcycle accident, former Marine John Miller, saw opportunity in the face of adversity. Crushed by the weight of his Harley after an SUV ran over him, he wondered, How could this happen? Miller's motorcycle was well lit at night from the front and back, but those lights weren't visible from the side. With the help of a veteran's group in Wisconsin, he launched Illumatek, offering a new product that could prevent accidents like this in the future.

Canadian Man Invents Boat for Wheelchair Canoeing

The spark of the idea came to able-bodied Jon Pimlott while rowing in Nanaimo, British Columbia. He'd seen the people in wheelchairs casting their lines from the accessible fishing dock. 'Too bad they couldn't be out bobbing in a canoe or rowing their own boat'. Then, a vision came to him: All at once he knew he could build it and it would work. Now all his spare time is spent giving people with limited mobility a new freedom on the water.