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Facebook Rescues Pregnant Woman, Many Others in Atlanta Storm

Read about the Facebook group, SnowedOutAtlanta, that attracted 46,000 fans in a day and how that hive of concerned citizens helped rescue a pregnant mom and boy who had been stuck in their car for 12 hours - with only Tic Tacs to eat - with no water. By 11 o'clock that night, Michelle Sollicito, who started the group, said that at least 400 people had been helped by the group

Alabama Doctor Walks Six Miles in Snow to Perform Brain Surgery

A doctor, who was called suddenly to perform brain surgery during a life-threatening emergency, had only one option for transportation leaving the hospital where he was located, he had to walk. Up hills and (mostly falling) down hills, wearing only scrubs and slip on shoes, Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw trudged on through the wintery mix to the main road where traffic was at a dead stop. After walking six miles he finally reached a passable roadway where a salesman picked him up to deliver him to Trinity Medical Center.

How One Family Was Blessed By "Shop With a Hero"

Michigan's Shop with a Hero program allows police officers and firefighters to take children Christmas shopping. In Ingham County, 55 children were able to be shoppers this year strolling the aisles of a department store and picking out items totaling $100. With additional donations, each family also received a ham, turkey, milk, and food, a $25 Meijer gift card and more. One woman described what it meant for her and her family.

Holiday Travelers Arrive to Find Airline Has Bought Gifts Off Their Wish Lists

Thanks to a team of merry WestJet employees and the power of technology, a group of airline passengers was treated to a Christmas miracle that turned an airport into Santa's workshop. With the help of 175 WestJet volunteers, three airports and Santa himself, they made a seeming miracle happen for more than 250 guests on two Calgary-bound flights.

6-Year-Old's Christmas Wish for Prosthetic Arm Comes True, Thanks to Online Donors

When Christopher Kiezek sat on Santa's knee recently, like a lot of kids, he asked for an Xbox One. But he also asked for a new arm so he could play it. He was born without fingers and his mother says the insurance company won't pay for a prosthetic device because it wasn't necessary for the boy's life. A family friend, moved by the boy's Christmas wish, set about to touch others with the story.

There Is Some Good to Come Out of the Marathon Bombing

For James "Bim" Costello, April 15th was one of the worst days of his life. At the finish line of the Boston Marathon when the bomb exploded, he suffered not only physical wounds but emotional trauma, after learning about his friends and their injuries. Recovering in Spaulding Hospital, and wondering what good could come from the tragedy, he met a nurse named Krista.

We're Starting to Think Homeless Men Are the Most Honest Anywhere

Joel Hartman was digging through a dumpster, hoping to find someone's leftover food. Instead, he found a French woman's wallet. Not only did he not keep the contents, he searched four hotels in order to find the woman. This story has many happy endings, beginning with a generous four-diamond hotel that rewarded him in a big way for his good deed.

College Student Tries to Rent Family for Holidays But Finds New One

A California university student has reformed her old ways of crime and drugs after being abused and neglected as a child. She has a perfect record in school now, volunteers to teach karate, and is active in a church. But all the improvement in her life didn't seem to fill the void of not having loving parents. So Jackie Turner, 26, went on Craigslist asking to rent a family for the holidays -- but she created a new family instead.

To Be of Service, He Serves Free Tea From His Bus

A sign that read "Free Tea" convinced a pair of college students to climb inside the small school bus painted white. Thirty-year-old Colorado College graduate Guisepi Spadafora has been serving free tea out of his bus (named Edna Lu) for five and a half years. He says the project was an accident, but his desire for "genuine interaction" among people caused him to start serving tea.

Mystery Donor Erects Batkid Billboard To Thank Him For Saving 'Gotham City'

Remember the boy with leukemia who donned a batman suit last month and was treated to a day of 'pretend crime fighting' that involved thousands of participants in San Francisco? (See the original story here.) Now someone has paid for a billboard featuring a picture of the 5-year-old Miles Scott dressed as 'Batkid', to thank him for saving the city.

Photo of Nigerian Man Witnessing His First Snowfall Goes Viral

25 year-old Abiola Ogungbenle moved from Nigeria to Hanover, Pennsylvania in 2013 to be with his wife, and has been eagerly awaiting his first winter snowfall ever since. When snow began to fall in early December, Abiola was enjoying the sight of his whitened street, an inspiring photo was taken that has gone viral online.

Single Mom Brought to Tears After Stranger Buys Dinner, Leaves Note

A stranger in Durham, North Carolina restored the faith in her own parenting abilities that one single mom was feeling on a particularly hard night. The mom, whose kids are often hard to handle in restaurants, received a kind note applauding her patience and parenting skills from a young man at a nearby table. After signing the note, Jake even paid for the family's dinner and included a Pizza Hut Gift Card for the next time they wanted to dine out.

Sending Out Shoeboxes Filled with Happiness for Women

Eva Whitmore decided she would use her exceptional organizational talents to spread some happiness to women living in shelters. Because of Whitmore, her city of Winnipeg now benefits from The Shoebox Project, a Canadian non-profit group that distributes shoeboxes filled with items a woman would enjoy, but would not splurge on for herself.

This OB/GYN Rocks Out Before Undergoing Mastectomy (WATCH)

She may be atuned to the importance of the mind-body connection because moments before surgery to remove her breasts, an Ob/Gyn and mother of two, spread joy in the operation room by playing music and busting a move to Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" alongside her surgical team.

Incredible Time-lapse Shows Homeless Man's Transformation

Never underestimate the power of a makeover. This homeless veteran held a negative self-image of himself and suffered from alcoholism. Watch the transformation after he gets a haircut, shave and new clothes from the Degage Ministries. He suddenly can see some potential in his life -- and now he is making the changes needed to get back on track.