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Dogs and Cats Can Sniff Out Cancer

Several reports in the news highlighted cases of dogs or cats sniffing out cancer in unsuspecting owners. There is scientific data to support the notion that not only can pets smell cancer, but dogs can be trained to find it.

Dog's Quick Dialing Saves Owner

A service Beagle named Belle is an amazing animal that has been trained to call for help if Kevin Weaver's diabetes spirals out of control. On the day Kevin collapsed onto the floor, the Beagle pulled down the cell phone from the table where it always rests and bit into the number 9, which dialed 911.

Providing Foster Care for Deployed Troops' Cats

Operation Noble Foster has provided more than 3,000 deployed servicemembers with individual foster homes for their cats until they return. "The best part is knowing that I'm able to take care of somebody's pet while they are serving our country."

Science Confirms Humans Naturally Helpful

What is human nature? Are we basically good, evil, or a little of both? Philosophers debated this throughout the ages, but science today delivers some definitive news. Humans are naturally altruistic. In Germany at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, a window has been opened into human behavior. Experiments involving prelinguistic and just post-linguistic childre

Dramatic Downward Trend in Rapes

The Justice Department’s latest annual National Crime Victimization Survey of the United States estimates that rapes and attempted rapes fell more than 80 percent from 1973 through 2004