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Showing 461 - 480 of 483 Posts

Daring Rescue of 105 People Before the Fall of Saigon

A film like Argo could have been made of the suspenseful rescue by John Riordon in the days before the Fall of Saigon in Vietnam. A young American bank manager for Citibank in Saigon, he refused to evacuate in the days before the Communist takeover to ensure that his staff and their families (105 people) got out before the invasion.

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George McGovern Tribute: Honoring An American War Hero Near Death

George McGovern, the former U.S. senator from South Dakota, is nearing the end of his dignified life at age 90. As his family and friends say their final goodbyes, we remember and rejoice a life extraordinaire; a bona fide war hero imbued with compassion, humility, integrity, and faith in America.

Mali Locals Saved Some Ancient Manuscripts from Islamists

Preservationists guarding Timbuktu's centuries-old artifacts said that in a large-scale rescue operation early last year, shortly before Islamist militants seized control of the city, thousands of manuscripts were hauled out of the Ahmed Baba Institute to a safe house elsewhere.