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Pharrell's Song Happy Joins UN for Intl Day of Happiness

Having just performed at the Academy Awards, where he sang his Oscar-nominated hit "Happy" and danced with A-list actresses in the front row, Pharrell Williams is partnering with the United Nations Foundation to promote the annual International Day of Happiness, Thursday, March 20.

Study Shows We Work Harder If We're Given Chocolate

Economists testing the idea that happy employees work harder found that doses of chocolate or laughter made people 12% more productive at their jobs. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Warwick, included four different experiments with more than 700 participants.

Study: Talking to Other Commuters on Trains is Not a Drag After All

Commuters in a Chicago area train station were asked to participate in an experiment. Instead of remaining isolated, like most commuters do, they agreed to talk to the stranger next to them. Cy the end of the train ride, commuters who talked to a person nearby reported having a more positive experience than those who had sat in solitude.

World Smile Day Today Honors Artist Behind the Smiley Face

The bright yellow smiley face is one of the most recognizable, iconic symbols across the globe. What many people don't know is that the original smiley face - which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year - was actually created, not in the way depicted in the humorous 1994 Forest Gump scene, but in Massachusetts by local artist, Harvey Ball.

Hospital Visitation Rights for Unmarried and Gay Couples Take Effect Nationwide

This week, a new rule went into effect for hospitals across the nation to ease the longtime burden on unmarried or gay partners who, until now, could be prohibited from visiting loved ones who may lie sick and dying without a hand to hold. The rule ensures that hospitals choosing to participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs must respect the rights of patients to designate visitors.

Man With the Golden Voice: Why do We Gravitate to Good News Stories?

It is a popular adage that good news doesn't sell when the mainstream media's motto seems to be, if it bleeds, it leads. Why then, are we seeing some of their most popular stories trumpeting triumphs of the heart? In the cases of the Chilean miners and the man with the golden voice, happy feelings of success have trumped every other news story around.

Dick Clark Dies: Entertainment Icon Became Hero to Stroke Victims

For many Americans, the lasting legacy of Dick Clark will be his role as a stroke survivor determined to live a normal life. He had suffered a debilitating stroke in 2004 and had to learn to walk and talk again. He made a comeback on national television, never giving in to the symptoms of that stroke, which included slurred, slowed speech and partial paralysis.

Dad Texts His Late Son's Phone, Gets the Perfect Reply

Out of the blue, in a country town along the Murry River in Victoria, Australia, Kaylene Bell's daughter received a mournful text Saturday morning that read, Love you bud - miss you more than words can say. The 15-year-old replied asking, Who is this? A text pinged back saying 'sorry', explaining that it was his son's old phone number and that he had passed away in 2009. He didn't think the number was being used. April Bell sent the perfect reply.