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15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps

There is nothing like fresh produce from your own garden, but, did you know that there are veggies that you can grow in the kitchen from scraps? I always have a mason jar of green onions regrowing above my kitchen sink. The technique is quite simple, writes the Mrs. Happy Homemaker blog.

At Urban LA School, Nature Grows and Test Scores too

Biological diversity does not come easily in one of the most crowded and disadvantaged neighborhoods of Los Angeles County. One school, wanting only to beautify their campus, got an unexpected result after ripping out concrete and planting native flora. Kids' test scores in science rose sixfold.

The Gangsta Gardener of South Central L.A.

A Los Angeles-based fashion designer is starting an urban garden revolution in his neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles. Instead of vacant lots -- the city owns miles and miles of these in LA county -- Ron Finley wants to help residents to plant a million tomato plants. He is co-founder of LA Green Grounds, a company that plants gardens at low-income homes as a part of a recovery system to transform neighborhoods.

Brazilian Slum Landfill Turned into Park by Volunteers

A former landfill in a Rio de Janeiro slum has been turned into a park thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers. People came here to get rid of old refrigerators, stoves, tires and even their dead dogs, said Mauro Quintanilha, a musician and craftsman who started the initiative to create a green oasis out of the pungent garbage dump.

UMass Students Transform Campus Lawn into Permaculture Food Garden

Planting begins this month for a group of students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who are pioneering a sustainable solution for campuses across the country. The UMass Permaculture Committee is transforming a 12,000 square foot conventional grass lawn into a sustainable permaculture garden for supplying fresh food to its campus community.

Paris Employs Sheep to 'Mow' Lawn at City's Gardens

Officials in Paris this week looking for a greener way to keep its lawns mowed, replaced the fleet of noisy gas-guzzling lawnmowers with a small flock of sheep that are grazing the city's open spaces. The scheme also cuts down on the need for chemical herbicides.

Composting Project Puts 12 Tons of Dog Poop to Good Use

It's been almost three years since a grand experiment began in a dog park in Ithaca, N.Y., and the results are finally in. Dog dung poses public health risks if left on the streets, hurts the environment when left near trails and takes centuries to decompose in plastic garbage bags that end up in landfills. Now, the poop is being composted along with yard waste to produce valuable soil.