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Scotland Achieves Fair Trade Nation Status

Scotland has become a Fair Trade Nation after achieving its target of having all six cities and 18 of its 32 councils garnering fair trade status. It follows Wales in becoming one of the first nations to earn the accolade.

How Much Longer Can One Man Feed Millions?

It was in 1984 that John Jacko Garrett, age 70, first began donating a portion of his harvest each year to charity. Today, the second-generation rice farmer from Danbury, a tiny farm town of 1,700 southeast of Houston, is a legend. He's a legend thanks to the almost six million pounds of rice he's donated to the Houston Foodbank, and the millions upon millions of free meals created from that rice.

Man Becomes Hero to Nation of Farmers

Shykh Seraj is a hero to 140 million Bangladesh farmers, half of whom live on less than one U.S. Dollar a day. His 10-year television show has been teaching impoverished farmers how to better work their fields and rise above grinding poverty.

Young Indonesians Green Their Concrete City

Young Indonesians are breathing new life into their polluted concrete capital city with little more than buckets of soil and seeds. A group of mostly young professionals are converting vacant patches of land - once eyesores -- between Jakarta's skyscrapers into lush green vegetable gardens.