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Showing 921 - 940 of 1,157 Posts

Maine Girl Returns Lost Money, Gains Awesome Reward

A young stay-at-home mom in Maine admits that she had to think about it a for a minute when her eight-year-old discovered $4000 on the sidewalk by a Sam's Club. As for her daughter Abbie? It never crossed her mind to keep it. And her honesty paid off.

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Oasis of Peace in the Desert Brings Hope to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Large wooden tables and long benches are located strategically under shady trees on either side of a bubbling brook. Clusters of friends and family relax and enjoy each other's company in the natural surroundings. What sets Ein Prat – or Wadi Kelt, as it is known in Arabic – apart from other parks is that it is one of the few Israeli-run sites that Israelis and Palestinians can access equally, which has made it an oasis for peace.

'Solar Suitcase' Saving Moms, Babies During Childbirth

In some African countries, a lack of reliable electricity is to blame for hundreds of deaths each year during childbirth. Dr. Laura Stachel witnessed this tragic truth during a trip to Nigeria five years ago and with the help of her husband, a solar energy educator, started delivering a solution: solar energy in a suitcase.

Doctors Use 3-D Printer to Custom-design Implant for Baby

An infant who needed CPR every day often stopped breathing. With hopes dimming that the baby would survive, doctors tried an experimental technique never before tried on a human, they created a splint made out of biological material that effectively carved a path through Kaiba's blocked airway.

Cat Survives 19-Story Fall From Apartment Building

A Boston cat miraculously survived a fall from a 19th floor apartment window, walking away with only minor bruising. The feline's owner, who left the window open a crack before leaving for work, says that the white cat luckily landed on a small patch of grass and mulch.

Family Discovers Trove of Old Baseball Cards in Mint Condition, Could Fetch Millions

A 51-year-old man was cleaning out the contents of an old house that belonged to his grandfather and found a soot-covered box that had been tucked away in the attic for a hundred years. Inside he found hundreds of new baseball cards bundled with twine, including 16 mint-condition 'Ty Cobbs'. They remained untouched for a century, making them perhaps the most significant sports card find in history.

Hero Grandfather Rescues Dog from Alligator's Jaws

Stephen Gustafson says he didn't think twice about running to rescue his dog when she was dangling from the jaws of an alligator last Friday afternoon in Lake County. Fla. He took a flying leap to land right on the alligator's back in the water.

15-Year-Old Dog Survives Two Months in the Wild

After 3 1/2 days searching for his dog across the mountain trails in Santa Fe, N.M., camper Mike Stotts decided he had to accept what park rangers and fellow campers had been telling him: That no 15-year-old house dog with diminished hearing could survive that long without food or water among the coyotes and mid-August heat.