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US Supreme Court Strikes Mandatory Life Terms For Juveniles

The United States Supreme Court ruled that an Alabama law that gave juveniles convicted of murder mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional. To slap juveniles with a mandatory sentence, which does not allow a judge to take into consideration the circumstances of a murder -- such as lack of intent to kill -- violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

US Makes Big Strides in Reducing Domestic Violence

The rate of partner-to-partner violence dropped by a stunning 64 percent between 1994 and 2010, a recent Justice Department report has found. The trend, almost unnoticed, stems from a broad shift in attitude toward domestic violence.

Emergency Foster Mom Opens Home to Four Siblings in Need

After getting a call from social services and without a second thought about the limited space in her house, the beds they didn't have or the children's clothes she didn't own, a Pennsylvania woman -- for the fourth time -- drove immediately to pick up siblings who needed emergency foster care. This time it was four kids ranging in age from 5 to 11.

9-yo Boy Sells $3,000 in Lemonade to Raise Money for City of Detroit

A 9-year-old Detroit boy has earned national attention for setting up a lemonade stand to raise money for his cash-strapped city. He heard on the radio that the city was having trouble paying for the mowing of grass in city parks and decided to help. His lemonade and popcorn business, which opened July 30, raised more than triple what the young man originally hoped and today Joshua Smith presented a check to Detroit officials for $2,832.

Sierra Club Partners with Sungevity to Help Families Go Solar

The nation's largest environmental organization last week announced a new partnership with Sungevity to help families switch to solar easily and affordably. The win-win program will help consumers save money on electric bills and cut their carbon footprint with its Zero Down solar leasing program that gives $750 cash to both the homeowner and the Sierra Club.

New Bandage That Doesn't Hurt Inspired By Spiderwebs

Even the most pain-tolerant people cringe once in a while, ripping an adhesive bandage off sensitive skin. But for babies, the removal process can break open skin, sometimes causing permanent scarring because the medical tape was designed for adults. MIT Researchers believe they have addressed the problem with a new kind of medical tape modeled on the design of spiderwebs.

From Panic Attacks to the Best Mother's Day Ever

A mom in Britain wrote to share the good news that her daughter, after a lifetime of suffering from a panic disorder, was able to join her mother and sister on a date for lunch and shopping - something that has never been possible before. It was the best Mother's Day gift of all and seen as a hopeful sign for sufferers of the disorder everywhere.

Donors Step Up for 101-year-old Evicted Woman in Detroit

A fund has been created and a guardian angel stepped forward for a 101-year-old Detroit woman displaced from her home by eviction. A longtime member of her church took in the wheelchair-bound woman and a contractor volunteered to build the wheelchair ramp needed at her new residence.