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Air Force Improves Energy Efficiency in Jets, Fuel

The US Air Force has developed an energy plan focused on reducing demand and increasing efficiency. For instance, 99 percent of the Air Force fleet is now certified to operate on a 50/50 blend of synthetic fuel derived from byproducts like feed stock and normal jet fuel.

US Wind Industry Adding Record Number of Turbines

2012 has been the strongest year yet for the U.S. wind energy. The success of the federal Production Tax Credit and wind energy's increased affordability are helping drive wind turbine installations to record levels in 2012, said the American Wind Energy Association.

Sierra Club Partners with Sungevity to Help Families Go Solar

The nation's largest environmental organization last week announced a new partnership with Sungevity to help families switch to solar easily and affordably. The win-win program will help consumers save money on electric bills and cut their carbon footprint with its Zero Down solar leasing program that gives $750 cash to both the homeowner and the Sierra Club.

iPod Creators Unveil the Smartest (and Prettiest) Thermostat Yet

An intelligent thermostat seems like an odd project for the minds behind Apple's iconic iPod, but in a strange way, the iPod folks may just be the perfect team to revolutionize home heating. The Wi-Fi connected thermostat learns your heating preferences and optimizes your home's temperature to save energy.

Sierra Club Partners with Sungevity to Help Families Go Solar

The nation's largest environmental organization last week announced a new partnership with Sungevity to help families switch to solar easily and affordably. The win-win program will help consumers save money on electric bills and cut their carbon footprint with its Zero Down solar leasing program that gives $750 cash to both the homeowner and the Sierra Club.

Home Solar Leasing Pumped Nearly $1 Billion into California in 2012

The number of homeowners installing solar panels leased from third parties is skyrocketing in the US, particularly in states like California with an incentive program like "One Million Solar Roofs. This week comes news that third-party-owned solar transactions have pumped more than $938 million into California's economy in 2012, a record-high annual amount equal to that of all the previous five years combined.

Vast Urban Farm Grows Fish, Food In Old Chicago Meat Plant

On the third floor of an old meat-packing plant is a humid hothouse filled with rows of greens and sprouts, even exotic white strawberries. Nearby, in large barrels swim dozens of tilapia, fish native to tropical regions. The Plant is a leading example of urban vertical farming using old warehouses, where plants and fish are raised symbiotically, with a closed-loop system that uses all waste toward the production of food.

Virgin Develops Jet Fuel With Half the Carbon Footprint of Others

Virgin Atlantic Airways and LanzaTech are developing an aviation fuel that will cut in half the carbon footprint of conventional flights. Instead of using plant stock for the fuel, waste gases are being captured from steel mills. The gases, which would otherwise burn up in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, are fermented and chemically converted into jet fuel.