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58 Cancers Receive 9/11 Fund Coverage

Federal health authorities Monday added 58 types of cancer to the list of covered illnesses for people who were exposed to toxins at the site of the World Trade Center in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Amazing View of Fireman Rescuing a Dying Kitten

Watch fireman Cory Kalanick rescue an unconscious kitten from a burning house filled with smoke and nurse the tiny animal back to life. The bird's-eye video was shot on the HD HERO3 and posted on YouTube by the GoPro camera company.

Young Doctor Saves Cyclist Pinned Under Limousine

On a sight-seeing trip with her family to Vancouver, Dr. Nas Rafi got to put her emergency-room skills to the test in a venue where usually only EMT caregivers shine -- on the streets amid the chaos of a car accident. It's lucky for the cyclist that the San Diego doctor was nearby. In the next minutes she would save her life.