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NYC Programmer Offers to Teach Bright Homeless Guy to Code

Every day on his way to work Patrick McConlogue passes a young man who lives on the streets. Last week, McConlogue, a New York City entrepreneur, programmer and designer, decided to offer the man a choice: Either he could accept $100 in cash, or he could learn how to code and be given three books on JavaScript, a used laptop and free lessons for one hour each day.

TV Viewers Rally to Lift 120,000 Malawi Kids Off the Ground

Six months ago, political reporter and former legislative director Lawrence O'Donell shared his experience of delivering 30 desks to a children's classroom in Africa with viewers of his MSNBC show The Last Word. Inspired by the video of Malawi kids sitting on dirt floors, donations poured in, more than 2.3 million dollars, allowing him to deliver an incredible 46,000 desks -- enough for every child in all four districts targeted.

Google Surprises LA Teachers By Funding All Classroom Requests On DonorsChoose.org

Google has fully funded the classroom requests of every Los Angeles Unified School District teacher on the education crowd-funding site DonorsChoose.org. As a result of Google's nearly $1 million donation, 769 Los Angeles teachers will receive materials for their 75,108 students -- ranging from paper, pencils and books to laptops, musical instruments and microscopes.

Town Lights Up the Night With River of Light

Saturday night in a tiny town in Central Vermont, hundreds of children and artists of all ages will be aglow in a beautiful December ritual, The River of Light Lantern Parade. Every year at the beginning of December when the nights begin to darken and the cold sets in, the people of Waterbury, Vermont carry illuminated hand-made lanterns in a magical procession through town.