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Occupy Wall Street Folks Are Buying and Abolishing Millions of Dollars of Debt for the 99 Percent

The Occupy Wall Street movement, forever angry about government bail-outs for big banks, finally figured out a way to issue their own bail-outs -- this time, for the little guy. A group called Strike Debt launched a campaign last night, called Rolling Jubilee, that has already raised more than a quarter million dollars to buy up the debt owed by faceless Americans and cancel it, while just paying pennies on the dollar for the privilege. They call it, a bailout by the people, for the people.

Makers Unite - the DIY Revolution Will be Home-made

Increasingly tinkerers and hobbyists are proving they are more than equal to the corporate world, and their efforts are challenging the traditional methods of manufacturing. From the 15-year-old high school student who created a pancreatic cancer test using Google as a research tool, to people making money from home-made electronic devices, citizens are most definitely doing it for themselves.

6 in 10 Americans Optimistic That Economy is Looking Up, Happier Than at Any Time Since 2008

Two-thirds of Americans are optimistic that they will be better off financially next year than they are now, according to a new poll. In a separate Gallup survey, fewer Americans are experiencing daily worry or stress, and their emotional heath, self-measured by how much they remember smiling, laughing and enjoyment of recent days, is now higher than it has been in any month since Gallup and Healthways started tracking it in January 2008.

Photographer Captures Upside of Recession

Amid a downturn in her own career in advertising, a Los Angeles photographer decided to come up with a project that would document the stories of people whose lives have been changed for the better by the recession.

No Jobs? These Mexican Immigrants Made Their Own

Five Mexican women living in New York City got tired of waiting in the day-labor line for inconsistent freelance cleaning jobs. They set up their own cleaning cooperative that specializes in using eco-friendly non-toxic products.

Don't Forget: The Bailouts Worked (Newsweek Op-Ed)

One year ago, after the fall of Lehman Brothers, the U.S. government made a series of massive moves to restore stability to the financial system. And it's clear that those actions saved the American-and thus the global-economy from total collapse... something that looked like a Great Depression. Yet the policy remains very unpopular. Why?

US Poll Reveals Overwhelming Optimism for 2012

Americans are hopeful for what 2012 will bring for their families and the country, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Overall, 62 percent of those surveyed say they're optimistic about what 2012 will bring for the country. And for themselves and their families, Americans are even more positive.