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Down Syndrome

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Teen's Mission: Setting up Inclusive Cheerleading Squads for Kids With Disabilities

When she was 15, Sarah Cronk set up her school's first inclusive cheerleading squad at Pleasant Valley High School in Bettendorf, Iowa. Now, at 18 she is the founder of The Sparkle Effect, which helps schools around the country to include boys and first with disabilities in the dance teams and cheerleading squads. While Pleasant Valley's program is now in its 6th season and includes 21 students, Sarah's national program has raised more than $150,000 and generated 65 inclusive squads across the country.

Down Syndrome Student Crowned Homecoming Queen

Not only does Rachel Cooperstein have Down syndrome, she participates as a regular cheerleader in the all-inclusive squad at San Francisco's Dublin High School, and was crowned Homecoming Queen Friday night -- a title her fellow classmates were thrilled to give her in a secret ballot.