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Man With One Tooth and a Lifetime of Giving Receives New Smile for Free

The Brighton Implant Clinic recently began offering free dental treatment to patients who have exceptional circumstances and are unable to afford treatment. Of the dozens treated, David Bryant who works with blind war veterans, is perhaps the most inspiring. Inundated with stories, the UK dentists agreed that Mr. Bryant's caught their eye.

Boy's Stuffed Wolf Stitched Up by Compassionate Doctor

A nine-year-old Colorado boy hugged his favorite plush toy last Friday at Memorial Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs where he would undergo treatment for acid reflux. Pediatric gastroenterologist Christine Waasdorp Hurtado said the wolf had an inch-long hole in the seam of one of his shoulders. She quietly sewed up the animal while Joshua was going under anesthesia, reported a news producer at CNN's iReport.

Tiny Disabled Dog Walks Again With Wheels Crafted From Toys

A tiny Chihuahua born with a genetic defect is now back in action, thanks to some ingenuity — and a little faith — from an Indianapolis veterinarian. Other clinics suggested euthanizing the baby, but Amy Birk of The Downtown Veterinarian wanted to help the couple whose Chihuahua gave birth to pup without front legs.

U.S. Health Care: The Good News - A New PBS Documentary

You don't often find the words health care and good news in the same sentence, but in a new Public Television documentary, we learn that while groups on all sides argue the merits and limitations of reform initiatives, a few American communities are already getting the job done. Correspondent T.R. Reid reports they are accomplishing what few have been able to do – deliver quality care for reasonable cost, and in some cases cover just about everybody in town.

Family Surrenders Pet to be Euthanized But Tearful Goodbye Moves Vet to do Surgery for Free

After their beloved dog fell on a spike, and home remedies only prolonged its suffering, the family decided to surrender the pet to the SPCA to be put down. In a final goodbye, the family's father looked into Kayla's eyes, apologizing for being too poor to care for her and begging the dog to forgive him for his shortcomings. After the family began coming to terms with their loss, two weeks later, they received the surprise of a lifetime.