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Hero of Hanukkah Touches Down at School

The kids at the Hebrew Academy of Huntington Beach could barely contain their excitement Tuesday as a sword- and shield-wielding Judah Maccabee — the hero in the story of Hanukkah — stepped from the Los Angeles Police Department helicopter that had just landed on their playground.

World Smile Day Today Honors Artist Behind the Smiley Face

The bright yellow smiley face is one of the most recognizable, iconic symbols across the globe. What many people don't know is that the original smiley face - which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year - was actually created, not in the way depicted in the humorous 1994 Forest Gump scene, but in Massachusetts by local artist, Harvey Ball.

Episcopal Church Opens Doors to Muslims

The Rector and congregation of St John's Episcopal Church in Aberdeen have offered the hand of Christian fellowship - and part of their church building - to the hundreds of Muslims attending a neighboring and overcrowded mosque. The Aberdeen mosque is so busy at times that members of the Muslim community were having to pray outside in the wind and rain.

Free Days Offered at French Museums

Many national museums in France, including the venerable Louvre in Paris, will be offering free admission in the coming months. 18 museums will be participating in an experiment to get the public to experience high culture, the country's Culture Ministry announced. (

Hollywood Producer Leaves $125 Million to Indiana Town

Elkhart, Indiana was hit pretty hard by the recession of 2008. But now, things will run a lot smoother, after Hollywood producer David Gundlach bequeathed his entire personal fortune to the Elkhart community foundation, which supports the county. Museums, parks and senior care facilities will all benefit from the $125 million dollar gift.

Get Happy: Celebrate the First UN International Day of Happiness

All 193 United Nations member states last year adopted a resolution decreeing March 20 to be the first International Day of Happiness. To celebrate, people all around the world are bringing happiness to others and talking about it on social media networks. The decree followed the first ever UN conference on Happiness and Wellbeing in July 2012.

Mali Locals Saved Some Ancient Manuscripts from Islamists

Preservationists guarding Timbuktu's centuries-old artifacts said that in a large-scale rescue operation early last year, shortly before Islamist militants seized control of the city, thousands of manuscripts were hauled out of the Ahmed Baba Institute to a safe house elsewhere.