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Study: Talking to Other Commuters on Trains is Not a Drag After All

Commuters in a Chicago area train station were asked to participate in an experiment. Instead of remaining isolated, like most commuters do, they agreed to talk to the stranger next to them. Cy the end of the train ride, commuters who talked to a person nearby reported having a more positive experience than those who had sat in solitude.

This is Why You Should Never Judge Too Quickly

A series of funny TV ads produced by Ameriquest clearly demonstrate why it is not a good idea to judge our fellow human beings too quickly. Situations are often not what they seem. Humor makes the point so very well in these clever ads.

New York City Pay Phones Get 21st Century Makeover

You can still see more than 10,000 coin-operated phones around New York City today. What seems a relic of the past in this age of mobile technology, became a vital link in an emergency for those who had no power to charge their devices during Hurricane Sandy. Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched a design contest to reinvent the lowly payphone and bring it into the 21st Century.

NYC to Replace Phone Booths with 10,000 Super-Fast Wi-Fi Kiosks

Beginning next year, New York will replace the city's pay phone booths with 10,000 new wi-fi kiosks that can connect 250 devices to the internet simultaneously. They will feature keypads to make calls on, charging stations and tablets with connecting speeds 20 times faster than the average home.