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Showing 21 - 29 of 29 Posts

Healing with Humor: Cancer Patient has Unique Way of Spreading Happiness

He cheers a group of cancer patients running in a race, calling himself the captain of Team Tumor. The 38-year-old father of two small children with stage-4 cancer has logged hundreds of hours of chemotherapy. But instead of living with defeat and humiliation, this Utah dad spends his time trying to give a laugh to others with cancer.

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Hollywood's Funny Man, Russell Brand: My Life Without Drugs

Russell Brand has not used drugs for 10 years. He has a job, a house, a cat, good friends. But temptation is never far away. He wants to help other addicts, but first he wants us to feel compassion for those affected -- like Amy Winehouse. It is my belief that if you regard alcoholics and drug addicts not as bad people but as sick people then we can help them to get better.

Obama's Got Game Joking at White House Correspondents' Dinner (WATCH)

Hollywood celebrities, political bigwigs and journalists shared dinner and laughs last night at the 2013 White House Correspondents' Dinner. Conan O'Brien hosted the evening but the highlight of the night was the 20 minutes President Obama joked about himself, the second term, Republican leaders, and even Jay-Z.

Pioneering as First Female Stand-Up Comic: Phyllis Diller Tribute (1917-2012)

Phyllis Diller, the first woman to make it big as a comedian, was an American pioneer. She created a stage persona of a wild-haired, eccentrically dressed housewife. She made self-deprecating jokes about her age and appearance, her terrible cooking and housekeeping, and her fictional husband named Fang. She died peacefully in her sleep, her longtime manager said, with a smile on her face. She was 95.

Laughter is Contagious - Even in the Israeli Knesset

While making a speech in front of the Israeli parliament, the education minister burst into a laughing fit that went viral on Tuesday on Israeli websites. Hearing the opening sentence for the first time, Shai Piron, who is also a rabbi, could not get past the word penetration regarding a proposed law about smuggling cell phones into prisons. The giggling began to spread in the chamber, with other members wiping their eyes and grinning.

Carol Burnett Pays it Forward, Wins Twain Prize in DC

These days, Carol Burnett may not be as recognizable as Ellen Degeneres or Tina Fey, two other Twain prize recipients, but the elder comedian starred in the hottest show on television for 11 years, endeared herself to a generation and inspired the parade of younger stars who paid tribute at the Kennedy Center Sunday night. It's all about paying it forward, said Burnett, who has always helped younger performers on their way up, including a new comedienne she introduced on stage here in DC.