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London's Bike Superhighways Are Huge Success

Transport for London, says the bright blue bike superhighways created in July have caused a huge surge in cycling along the two azure routes: 70% more people are biking to and from London compared to a year ago.

How Boulder Took Over Its Electric Company

The city of Boulder, Colorado has won the right to take its power supply—and carbon emissions—away from corporate control and redirect it toward the sun. The change for Boulder came in November when voters passed two ballot measures that allow the city to begin the process of forming its own municipal power utility to take advantage of the 300 days of annual sunshine.

Hero Grandmother Helping Chicago Kids to Get 'Off the Block'

In one of Chicago's most dangerous neighborhoods, one grandmother has opened her door and invited gang members to come inside. She hoped that by providing them with support and a place to go, she would ensure that her own daughter and other kids would be safe and able to focus on their future instead of gangs.

Chicago Youth Program Fights Violence With Employment

Nearly 700 children were hit by gunfire last year in Chicago. In an effort to reduce the violence, a program called CeaseFire is working to curb gang activity by helping at-risk youth find employment. CeaseFire also patrols the streets of poorer, urban neighborhoods to stop crimes before they happen.

Vacant Storefront Becomes Home To Post-It Tribute Notes

The windows of an empty storefront on one corner of Harvard Square are covered with colorful Post-it Note tributes, personal messages about those who inspire us most, from fourth-grade teachers to Tim Tebow to Aunt Lindsay. It all started with one, simple little message: "Who Inspires You?"

City Tries to Curb Panhandling With Puppies and Stipends

When it comes to tackling San Francisco's entrenched panhandling problem, City Hall has tried just about everything. But it's never tried puppies - until now. Starting Aug. 1, the city - in a program believed to be the first of its kind in the country - will exchange a small stipend for fostering problematic puppies, readying them for adoption