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Showing 41 - 58 of 58 Posts

Sikh Woman Turns Cyber Bullying Incident into Inspiration

After someone snapped a photo of her and posted it on online, Balpreet Kaur was ridiculed for following the tenets of her Sikh faith. But instead of hiding or lashing out, she politely posted a reply—and turned a bullying situation into a inspiring example of tolerance, support, and inspiration.

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Cast-Out Boy in New School Becomes Beloved as 'The Doorman'

Bullied every day for years because of his lisp, Josh moved to London, Ontario, in 2011. Determined not to be put in a box by his new classmates, the remarkable young man dramatically changed the trajectory of his life with one small idea: he would hold open the door at school each day. He held the door open for hundreds of teenagers that first morning - and every morning since. At first they didn't know what to make of the stranger, but then, something happened.

Another Town Helps Student Overcome Homecoming Prank

A high school freshman could hardly believe she landed a nomination to the homecoming court for the big fall dance. She had expected a more popular girl would be picked. Later she learned the votes had been a prank. But she decided not to back down. As news of the cruelty spread, the school, family members, and the community rallied around her.

Teen Starts Website to Help Fight Bullying Among Girls

After witnessing a close friend suffering through cyber bullying, 14 year old Azariah Brown decided to do something about it. She founded a website for teenage girls called, Love Share Care. She wanted a social online hangout where adolescent girls 13-17 can share photos, post status updates, and send love shouts.

In Age of Bullying, Special Needs Student Elected Prom King

Scott Shaver and Katie Buell were crowned prom king and queen last week at Westview High School. Katie is an all-American girl, class president, champion in girls basketball, and an absolute sweetheart, according to her teachers. Yet, it seems every student, no matter their ability, is accepted here and treasured. Scotty, as the kids call him, is a HUGE personality at the school, brought out of his shell over four years by the nurturing attention given, not only by specialized staff who have tutored him as a special needs student with autism, but by the accepting student body.

Town Turns Tables on Bullying School Prank

A tiny farming town in Michigan is rallying around a 16-year-old girl who became humiliated when her high school voted to elevate her to the homecoming court as a joke and then laughed at her in the hallways for having so few friends. In an inspiring turnaround, Whitney Kropp's embarrassment gained her thousands of friends.

Teacher's Amazing Strategy on Bullying, Loneliness

Every Friday afternoon one extraordinary teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children they'd like to sit beside the following week. The children know that these private requests may not be honored. After the students go home, she takes out those slips of paper, places them in front of her and studies them. She looks for patterns. Who is not getting requested by anyone else?