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Russia Takes Big Step to Save Rarest Big Cats

The Amur leopard was thrown a lifeline last week with the establishment of a new national park in Russia to help protect the world's rarest wild cat. Fewer than 40 Amur leopards are believed to exist in the wild. The majority of those currently reside in the new Land of the Leopard National Park, thanks to funds from the Russian government.

Russia Takes Big Step to Save Rarest Big Cats

The Amur leopard was thrown a lifeline yesterday with the establishment of a new national park in Russia, announced by the World Wildlife Fund, to help protect the world's rarest wild cat. Fewer than 40 Amur leopards are believed to exist in the wild. The majority of those currently reside in the new Land of the Leopard National Park, which will be operated with funds from the Russian government.

World Gorilla Population Rises Nine Percent in Two Years

The total world population of mountain gorillas has risen to 880, according to census data released last week by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. That's almost a ten percent increase over its 2010 estimate of 786. This is largely due to intensive conservation efforts and successful community engagement

Ducks Near Extinction Hang On, 18 Babies Hatched in Lab

On a remote lake in Madagascar, a fateful discovery of 22 ducks belonging to a variety thought to be extinct, inspired a group of conservationists to mobilize a last ditch effort to save the species, which had been previously been written off. This week, as the Madagascar pochard's only remaining wild population hangs on with just 22 adult birds surviving, the captive breeding program started in 2009 celebrated a huge success with the birth of 18 new babies.