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EPA Debuts Bee-Protective Pesticide Warning Labels

To protect bees and other pollinators, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed new pesticide labels that prohibit use of some neonicotinoid pesticide products where bees are present. The new labels will have a bee hazard icon and precautions about the spray drift precautions, but environmentalists say they will push the agency to remove these pesticides from the market altogether.

Bee-harming Pesticides Banned in Europe

Bees are vital -- because of their pollinating in the fields -- to any nation's food production and to European agriculture worth €22 billion annually. That's why Europe has voted to enforce the world's first continent-wide ban on common insecticides linked to serious harm in bees.

Bumblebees Instead of Pesticides Save Berry Crop from Mold

Squadrons of bumblebees are being deployed in the UK in a novel attempt to prevent grey mold from ruining the crop of summer strawberries. The bees are routed via a one-way system in their hive through a tray of harmless fungus spores which, when delivered to flowers, ensure that the grey mold cannot take hold as the fruit grows.