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Fashion Photographer Reframes Beauty Focusing on Genetic Conditions

Award winning fashion photographer, Rick Guidotti, worked in Milan, Paris and New York shooting pictures of the world's most beautiful people, until a chance encounter on a Manhattan street changed everything. Rick saw a stunning albino girl at the bus stop. He realized that he could help redefine beauty for these kids and adults with genetic differences everywhere.

70-Year-old Finally Fulfills Dream of Trying On Wedding Dresses

Right after World War II, Ruth Crawford recalls, big weddings were a rarity for Americans. That's when she married the love of her life, but never got to wear a gorgeous dress. The 70-year-old widow still wished she had gotten to try on wedding dresses, when an organization called Second Wind Dreams came to her rescue.

Teen Produces "Miss Amazing" Pageants for Girls With Disabilities

Jordan Somer has been a believer in beauty pageants since she was 7 years old, when they began teaching her how to be confident and work toward any goal. But when she had the opportunity to be around people with special needs at the Special Olympics, when she saw success everywhere, on the track, the field, and each level of the award platforms, Somer knew what she was meant to do.

Tourists Can Now Cycle Along Two Great Lakes on Expanded Trail

216 touring cyclists helped launch the expansion of Canada's Waterfront Trail that adds a second Great Lake, Lake Erie, to the now 1400 kilometer bike trail. By almost doubling the amount of Ontario's waterfront available to touring cyclists and with a big city like Windsor anchoring it on one end, the local officials hope the Trail will become a hotbed for tourism.

GM CEO Auctions Off 1958 Corvette to Help Habitat for Humanity

Just 510 Chevy Corvettes painted in the the Royal Turquoise hue were manufactured in 1958 and it was Dan Akerson's childhood dream to own one. Today Akerson is the Chairman and CEO of General Motors -- which owns Chevrolet, still the maker of the Corvette. On Friday the CEO placed his beloved mint 1958 turquoise convertible on the auction block so he could give all the proceeds to Detroit's Habitat for Humanity.

Hardware Store Recreates Van Gogh's Starry Night With Door Knobs

Looking at a warehouse full of discontinued door knobs, the folks at Union Hardware in Maryland wondered what they could possibly do to put all those products to better use. So, in 2011 the third-generation, family-owned business began a project to bring to life Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece Starry Night using the tools of the hardware trade -- door knobs, levers and plates.

Make-up Tutorial Helps Older Skin Shed Ten Years (Video)

Through her online tutorials, and her role on UK television as the beauty expert for three years on the series ‘Ten Years Younger, make-up artist Lisa Eldridge has become an expert on how to do a really great look for ladies in their 50's, 60's and beyond. In a March 1 video posted on YouTube she demonstrates her techniques on a 64 year-old woman to achieve a modern, natural look.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Week February 9-16

Hundreds of communities and churches across the country will say they participated in the fourth annual Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 9-16. Certainly the kindness benefits the recipient, but as the practitioner of the act, you are also rewarded, by a palpable energy surging through you; and you are fairly floating along to your next appointment!