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UK Opens Free, Solar-powered Plug-in Vehicle Charging Network

For first time-ever, electric vehicles will soon be able to travel the length of the UK using a network of free, solar-powered top-up charging stations located near motorways. According to Ecotricity, the company that installed the network, range anxiety has now been removed from the electric vehicle equation in the UK.

Chicago Will Pay Cab Companies to Go Green

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley launched a new Green Taxi Program Friday that will encourage the taxi industry to purchase cost-effective hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. More green cabs will help the city move closer to reaching carbon emission goals set out in its Chicago Climate Action Plan, while also improving air quality.

Canadian Researchers Create Wireless Charger for Electric Cars

Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they've found a way around the nuisance and potential danger of repeatedly having to plug in an electric car to get it moving again. The university's physics department says it has developed a way to wirelessly recharge the vehicle.

Daryl Hannah to Receive 2011 Environmental Hero Award

Actress and filmmaker Daryl Hannah has been selected to receive the 2011 Environmental Hero award this Earth Day. Hannah's long past in promoting sustainability as well as her work founding the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance made for an ideal honoree.

Ford Adding 7,000 U.S. Jobs, Says Recovery is Encouraging

Ford Motor Co on Thursday stuck to its target of adding 7,000 jobs in the United States over the next two years, saying it sees an economic expansion here and not a double-dip recession. Also, fewer Americans filed new claims for jobless benefits last week than at any time since April, in what could be an encouraging sign for the labor market.

Your Next Car Will be Made of Pineapples and Bananas

Scientists have developed a new fiber from fruits like pineapples and bananas that is almost as strong as Kevlar, the fiber used in bulletproof vests. The new "nono-cellulose" fiber will help bring in an era of plastics that are stronger, lighter (which will improve fuel efficiency in cars), and more environmentally friendly than those in use today.

$500 Million Investment of Filling Stations for Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars

Daimler and five oil and industrial gas companies will invest about 350 million euros ($500 million) on a network of hydrogen filling stations for fuel-cell electric vehicles in Germany over the next 10 years, they said on Monday. Fuel-cell cars are seen by many in the industry as the best long-term solution to lowering carbon emissions in cars.

Obama Deal Increases Fuel-economy Standards for US Cars

President Obama today announced the next phase in the Administration's program to increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in the United States. These new standards will cover cars and light trucks for Model Years (MY) 2017-2025, requiring performance equivalent to 54.5 mpg in 2025 while reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 163 grams per mile.