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Showing 21 - 30 of 30 Posts

Second Time Around: How to Find and Embrace a New Career After 50

When you're in the cockpit on final approach and suddenly have to abort your landing and try again, it's called a "go-around." It can be a little scary at first, but with a little planning and some patience, it is painless. The same is true for your career after age 50. You're all set to glide into retirement when from out of nowhere, you're forced to change course professionally. I know the feeling better than most people because it happened to me.

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Stopping Your Drama: Eight Principles to Calm the Workplace or Home

Are you getting caught in the middle of relationship squabbles? Do you feel anxiety or fear around the economy, your job, or your personal level of success? Such drama always drains your energy and impacts your personal effectiveness. To put an end to the negativity and energy drain, a good friend of mine, Marlene Chism has a new book that helps you Stop The Drama.

Man Who Learned to Read at 91, Writes a Book at 98

For 91 years, James Henry, a lifelong fisherman, did not know how to read and write and carried the shame of not being able to order from a menu. Now 98, the Mystic, Connecticut man has changed that and penned a memoir full of short stories from his life at sea.

Rewire Your Brain for Love

Valentine's Day can be the bane of any person's year. It can fling daggers of loneliness, rather than gentle arrows from Cupid. Instead of dreading another February 14th, use the science of mindfulness to make a healthy relationship resolution and rewire your brain for love.

Stopping Your Drama: Eight Principles to Calm the Workplace or Home

Are you getting caught in the middle of relationship squabbles? Do you feel anxiety or fear around the economy, your job, or personal level of success? Such drama always drains your energy and impacts your personal effectiveness. To put an end to negativity and energy drain, a good friend of mine, Marlene Chism has a new book that helps you Stop The Drama.