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Muslim Woman Defies Odds to Build Power Company in Afghanistan

Masooma Habibi remembers her hands bleeding after weaving carpets with her mother in Iran when she was 5. Now she is part of a delegation of entrepreneurs chosen to take part in President Obama's Summit on Entrepreneurship starting today in Washington. She is proving that women can build businesses in traditional Muslim societies -- and succeed if they never give up.

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From Druggy Drop-out, To Harvard Student (Video)

Lalita Booth dropped out of school and turned to drugs after being abused as a teenager, but turned her life around after enrolling in a community college, and then becoming an honors student at a four-year university. Now, she's in the process of earning a Master's degree in business and public policy from Harvard University.

Man Sheds 365 Pounds Thanks to Yoga Class

A Detroit-area man lost 365 pounds in the last three and a half years, thanks to a yoga class and its meditative messages. Weighing 540 pounds in 2006, Larry Sherman said the Yoga Shelter helped him to see that the heart of the problem was in his head.

Science Says Kindness is Contagious

In a study published by the National Academy of Sciences last week, researchers provided the first laboratory evidence that cooperative and kind behavior is contagious and that it spreads from person to person to person. When people benefit from kindness they "pay it forward" by helping others who were not originally involved.

Pedal Powered Innovation Helps Tanzanian Farmers

MIT graduate, Jodie Wu, had a vision that a bicycle could be more than just a machine for transportation, but a way to bring technology to the people who need it most. So, she created an organization to transform bicycles into a tool for income generation to empower the world's 550 million small farmers.

Deep Conversation - Rather Than Small Talk - Makes You Happier

A new study published in Psychological Science finds that people who have a greater number of substantive conversations are more likely to rate themselves as happy. In fact, the researchers found that the happiest participants spent about 70 percent more time talking and had twice as many substantive conversations as the unhappiest participants.

Bridging a Class Divide, One English Lesson at a Time

Through a program called Community Learners Advancing in Spanish and English, or CLASE, AU students are teaching English to the workers who clean their dorm rooms and cook their meals. Students meet the employees where they work, or in dorm lounges and conference rooms, to eat, drink and conjugate.

Magic Helps Healing - in Hospital and on Battlefield

A National Guard medic from Oregon has saved many people on his multiple tours in Iraq. But it was the collection of magic tricks up his sleeve that gave Scott the ability to bring smiles and healing to patients, child burn victims, soldiers and whole villages.

Palestinian Astrophysicist Who Rose from Poverty Returns to Teach Gaza Teens to Gaze Upward

Suleiman Baraka, the eldest of 14 children of a Palestinian butcher, rose from humble beginnings in violence-wracked Gaza to become an astrophysicist, space weather expert and researcher for NASA, the US space agency. Now, at 45, he is back home with a new mission: to teach kids to look up from their blockaded, beaten-down surroundings and into the limitless beauty of the universe.

Haitian Orphanage Finds Grace In A Time Of Despair

In Haiti, huge piles of rubble remain virtually untouched. But a surprising sight is tucked away just outside the coastal city of Leogane: Workers are busy constructing two small, wood-frame buildings. The Canadian military and a U.S.-based aid group are working together to rebuild an orphanage.

Big Dream Gatherings Aim to Encourage Dreamers to Action

Mitch Matthews, founder of the Big Dream Gathering, wants to do more than inspire. He wants to spur dreamers to action. Matthews will bring the Big Dream Gathering to the University of Northern Iowa campus next week, giving Cedar Valley residents the chance to get started living their wildest ambitions.

For Some Jobs, Asperger's Syndrome Can Be An Asset

A nonprofit in Chicago is improving the job outlook for people with Asperger's and high-functioning autism. The company trains people in data entry and computer program testing — skills that come naturally to many with the disorder.

Man Lives For 27 Days In Haiti Rubble

Venders were clearing debris from a marketplace when they discovered a man still alive after 28 days. Evan Muncie was selling rice when the quake hit. Doctors said the man had been left "emaciated" having lost 30lb during his four-week ordeal and is suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition.