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Rare One-Horned Rhino Bouncing Back in a Big Way

A National Rhino Census in Nepal released Saturday showed an increase of 22 percent in the rhinoceros population there since 2008. The positive numbers reflect the success of conservation efforts, following a decade of civil war -- a result of improved anti-poaching measures and management of habitat.

Rare One-Horned Rhino Bouncing Back in Nepal

A National Rhino Census in Nepal released Saturday showed an increase of 22 percent in the rhinoceros population there since 2008. The positive numbers reflect the success of conservation efforts for this species, following a decade of civil war -- a result of improved anti-poaching measures and management of habitat.

Dozens of Global Clothiers Sign Bangladesh Work Safety Accord

Dozens of international companies have made a legal commitment to improve safety in Bangladesh's garment factories, in the wake of last month's building collapse that killed more than 1,100 people. The decision last week by major retailers in Europe such as Inditex, Carrefour and H&M, to sign the fire-and-safety agreement was in many ways unprecedented, said the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville.

Surprising Recovery for Japan Automakers, One Year After Disaster

Nissan is back, one year after an earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan ground auto production to a halt, left giant cracks at a key factory and killed five employees and 17 family members. It's a story of surprising recovery that's playing out at other Japanese automakers, but particularly at Nissan.

Investors Bet on Organic Farming in China

Investors in China betting big on the organic concept have poured money into food producers and distributors. Some are wrestling with a conflict between scale and quality, but this has not dampened their enthusiasm.

Slowly, Asia's Factories Begin to Turn Green

Intel's new $1 billion chip factory in Vietnam, about 10 miles from downtown Ho Chi Minh City, embraces environmental and sustainability measures far beyond those required by Vietnam's laws. Intel didn't have to go to these lengths, but the motivation for these measures is simple, said the complex's general manager: "It turns out, what's good for the environment is also good for business."

Vietnam Fan Chasing Bus of Favorite English Team Gets Surprise When They Stop

A young fan of a London football team that was in Vietnam for an international match showed such spunk by running after the tour bus that the team wanted to meet him. Vu Xuan Tien, 20, wore an Arsenal team jersey and smiled and waved as he dodged traffic and obstacles along a 5-mile stretch in Hanoi. Finally the team decided to stop and let him climb aboard.

Taliban Can't Silence Malala who Celebrates 16th Birthday with Defiant UN Address

The Pakistani child education activist who was shot in the head nine months ago by Taliban militants celebrated her 16th birthday by delivering a speech at the United Nations. Speaking to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the 500 youth and dignitaries gathered, Malala Yousafzai said that the gunmen could not silence her because knowledge and education is more powerful than their bullets.

9-Year-old Silenced By Politicians Has Changed School Lunches Forever

A new blog started by a 9-year-old in western Scotland shows daily photos of the lunches she was being served in her public primary school. Just started in early May, her lunch photos went viral in days. She had a million viewers within a few weeks; was written up in major magazines; and won the support of TV chef Jamie Oliver, who kicked off school-food reform in England.