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She Lives In a Boeing 727 Treehouse

What a creative idea: Joanne Ussary bought a used Boeing 727 for $2,000. It cost $4,000 to move and $24,000 to renovate. The plane, hoisted onto a cliff overlooking the beach and touting beautiful wooden flooring, looks like a half-million dollar investment.

Unstoppable! The Rise and Rise of Britain's Green Buildings

Orlando Bloom has an eco-house; Prince Charles has built a sustainable home, and now a major developer plans to build 500 eco-homes in Devon. Despite the economic gloom, the green way of building has never been more popular - 7,000 projects last year, a number that has more than doubled since 2009.

Greenest Skyscraper Ever Rises From World Trade Center Site

The new World Trade Center in New York currently under construction promises to be the most environmentally advanced structure ever built at this scale. In a project of this size, a LEED Gold certification would be a first of its kind, said Eduardo Del Valle, Director of Design Management, who has incorporated dozens of green strategies like hydrogen fuel cells into the skyscraper's design.

Skyscrapers Designed To Make You Happy If You Work In Them

The definition of what it means to be sustainable in the 21st century needs to be broadened to include a skyscraper's ability to sustain the human spirit, says a design director at Gensler. Imagine energy efficient towers whose walls might slide open, allowing office workers to step outside, into the sky, for a breath of fresh air. Towers where seasonal gardens grow vertically and where friends might meet by a kumquat tree on the 68th floor for a cup of coffee on a beautiful spring day.