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Tenants in Posh Building Help Concierge Raise Money for his Village

Jean Kabre is the concierge and event planner at 101 Constitution — a place full of people focused on power, influence, and Congressional lobbying. But when word got out that Kabre was helping support dozens of family members in his home village in Burkina Faso, the people whom Kabre had come to know as his friends, pitched in at astounding levels.

Egyptian Orchestra Spotlights All-Blind Female Musicians

From its musical sounds, it's just like any other professional orchestra. But the assembly of white-veiled Egyptian women in matching black gowns has a startling difference. Every woman in the orchestra is blind. The women in Cairo's Egyptian Blind Girls Chamber Orchestra first study the songs in braille, memorizing every note on their sheet music. The group has already performed on five continents and in 24 countries.

Egypt Revolution Hero to Leave Google, Start NGO

Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who became the hero of the Egyptian revolution, on Sunday said he planned to take an extended break from the Internet giant to set up his own NGO in Egypt. He said his technology focused NGO will help fight poverty & foster education in Egypt.

How Yoga is Transforming a Kenyan City

In Nairobi, the Africa Yoga Project is training HIV+, poor, and disabled citizens to be yoga instructors, creating jobs and changing lives. Most of the 3,000 weekly students are aged 16-30, living on about $2 a day, and many live in Nairobi slums with HIV/AIDS.

Inspired Biker Circumnavigates Africa: Dodging Bullets and Doing Good

Spencer Conway decided to combine his love of motorbikes with his love for Africa by attempting to solo circumnavigate Africa on two wheels —something that no one has ever been able to achieve. He was robbed, attacked and almost killed, butehe finally arrived back home in the UK having raised $43,500 for Save the Children.