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Aung San Suu Kyi Finally Claims her Nobel Peace Prize, 21 years Later

Suu Kyi received two standing ovations inside Oslo's city hall as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech 21 years after she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her unflagging support for democracy in the face of arrest and imprisonment in her military-controlled homeland of Myanmar. The 66-year-old champion of political freedom praised the power of her 1991 Nobel honor both for saving her from the depths of personal despair and shining an enduring spotlight on injustices in distant Myanmar.

Online Petitions Are Changing the World

A battle between a class of fourth graders and a major movie studio would seem an unequal fight. But new Internet tools are allowing very ordinary people to defeat powerful corporate and political interests— by threatening the titans with online petitions that sometimes gather hundred of thousands of signatures.

Peru Passes 10-Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods

Despite pressure from multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto and Dow, the Peruvian Environment Minister announced this week that the government has approved a new regulation imposing a moratorium on the production and entry of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), into the country for the next ten years. The government said it wanted to to preserve the biodiversity of native crops when it sided with 6000 or more farmers, some growing the famous and colorful Peruvian potato varieties, who pushed for the ban.

He Turned his Polluted Gulf Coast Hometown into a 'Showcase Community'

Hilton Kelley left a burgeoning career in Hollywood in 2000 and moved back to his Texas hometown, a refinery and chemical manufacturing region, to clean things up. Mr. Kelley has won a lot of victories in 11 years. Now, the Port Arthur native has received a $150,000 Goldman Environmental Prize for his efforts to fight pollution.

Help Save a Rainforest the Size of Wales

An area the size of Wales' is frequently used to measure the rate of forest destruction. Welsh-born comedian Dan Mitchell is bringing people together to help protect an area of rainforest at least this size and is assembling Welsh tribes from all over the country to do it.