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Pakistani Teen Malala Yousafzai Wins $67K EU Human Rights Prize

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who was shot in the head when she was 14 by the Taliban for advocating for education rights for girls, has won the top EU prize for human rights, along with$67,000. Now 16 and fully recovered after hospitalization in the UK, Malala is also favored to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

Experimental Malaria Vaccine Slashes Infection Risk By Half

After decades of disappointment, researchers think they're finally on track to unleash the first practical vaccine against malaria, one of mankind's ancient scourges. In the world's first large field trial of an experimental malaria vaccine, 55 percent of the children had less risk of getting the disease over a year than those who didn't get the vaccine.

China Gives the World a Cheap Vaccine for a Child-killing Disease

An announcement this week confirmed China as a world leader in creating life-saving, inexpensive vaccines for the world. A Chinese manufacturer earned the World Health Organization's stamp of approval for its quality production of the first practical vaccine for use in the developing world against Japanese encephalitis, a disease spread by mosquitoes that kills15,000 children every year and leaves thousands more with brain damage and paralysis.

US to Lift Ban on HIV-Positive Travelers

Today is World AIDS Day, and I just found this good news item about the US dropping its travel ban on people with HIV coming into the United States. The full removal of the ban takes effect on January 4, 2010.