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From Beer-fueled Brainstorm to Life's Work of Helping Others

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint at his local pub in the Scottish Highlands when he got an idea that would change his life -- and the lives of thousands of others. After a trip to deliver food, clothing and blankets, and much thought and prayer, he quit his job, sold his home and dedicated himself to a simple premise: People really are good,' and it inspired me to be good too.

Armless Pianist Wows Judges On 'China's Got Talent'

Liu Wei lost both of his arms in a freak accident when he was 10, after touching an electrified wire while playing hide-and-seek. But, his tragic circumstances did not stop Liu from pursuing his goal of a music career. With his parents convincing him of the importance of doing everything for himself, he began, at age 19, the daily practice of playing the piano with his feet, and today at 23 shocked audiences and judges on China's Got Talent.

Random Act of Kindness for 93 Dollars Sparks $100,000 In Donations To Food Bank

When Jenni Ware found herself unable to locate her wallet as she stood in front of the cash register at Trader Joe's market, a stranger stepped forward to pay her entire $207 bill. The next day, Jenni sent a check in the mail for $300 to cover the Good Samaritan's deed -- enclosing an additional $93. But the kindness didn't stop there. An avalanche of like donations started pouring in from Facebook friends, eventually totaling $100,000 in spontaneous giving to a local food bank.

Reflecting On Heroes Never Grows Old

As Independence Day nears for Americans, let's reminisce on one Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, the "Hero of Gettysburg." During the war between the states, this English professor-turned soldier fought in many key battles and was wounded six times. For his moment in history on Little Round Top, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Hero Couple Extinguish Remote Forest Fire While on Holiday

With forests at high risk for fire in northern Ontario last week, a couple who were out for a scenic flight in their small plane became environmental heroes when they spotted a flash fire and risked their lives to save the Boreal forest near their remote cottage west of Sudbury.

Milkman Honored by Queen at Buckingham Palace for Lifetime of Crime-busting

Tony Fowler, a milkman with a daily route that takes him 100 miles through 25 towns in Leicestershire, is being hailed a hero by the Queen of England for having contributed to the capture of a string of criminals. His watchful eye and quick-thinking throughout his 20-year career has foiled burglaries, stopped drug deals and blocked car thieves trying to escape past his milk truck.

UPDATE: Chalkboard Message Lady Gets New Camera From Generous WS Reader

After reading about a woman who motivates commuters via chalkboard messages, a Good News Network subscriber wanted to step in to help. She felt compassion for the woman, Penny Proudfoot, who said she had recently ruined her camera. She thought to herself, "I've got a Canon Rebel camera that I was going to sell on e-Bay, but I'd love for her to have it, if she wants it."

Skydiving Hero Saves Woman's Life - Now He Needs Help

After jumping out of the airplane, strapped together in tandem, a skydiving instructor and his student feared the worst when their parachutes failed to open properly. Plummeting at 40 mph and 500 feet from the ground, Hartsock showed himself to be a courageous hero when he used the control toggles to rotate their position and place his body under hers to take the brunt of the fall.