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Giant Prehistoric Fish Rebounding in Canada

When dozens of white sturgeon began washing up dead on the banks of British Columbia's Fraser River in the mid-1990s, some feared that North America's largest freshwater fish could be headed toward extinction. But now, thanks to an alliance of government agencies, environmentalists, aboriginal groups, and fishing interests, the sturgeon has been spurred to a robust recovery in the lower river.

Rescued Dog Defends New Owner From Mugger

A savvy dog helped save a man's life and fought off a mugger just a month after being taken in by new owners. The newly-adopted 11-year-old Jack Russell also spotted a man who had collapsed in a diabetic coma and pulled her owner to him, leading paramedics to say the dog probably 'saved the man's life'.

Bear Saves Man in Mountain Lion Attack

A man says he is lucky to be alive after an attack by a mountain lion Monday morning while he was hiking in California. After a mountain lion pounced on him, a mother bear came from behind and jumped on the cat, tearing its grip from the man's backpack.

Blind Girl's Stolen Therapy Dog Returned (Video)

A heartbroken 5-year-old girl suffering from cerebral palsy couldn't stop smiling on Thursday after her dog stolen two weeks ago was returned to her doorstep overnight. Her mother believes pressure from the Kansas media and the Reno County Sheriff's Department led whoever stole the dog to have a change of heart.

First Stranded Baby Beluga Whale to be Rescued in US, Nursed Back to Health by Slew of Experts

For the first time in history, a live, stranded beluga whale calf has been found in U.S. waters and rescued. But saving the baby, estimated to be only two or three days old when rescued, is requiring the efforts of marine mammal experts from far and wide. Marine mammal specialists have descended upon the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, to provide round-the-clock care, including feedings via stomach tube, while the baby learns how to suckle from a bottle.

Cat Sniffs Out Breast Cancer, Saves Owner's Life

Esther Kacev's cat Buddy, would not stop sniffing and trying to grab under her arm. After rescuing the stray cat several years ago, it was Esther's turn to be saved. The woman from Western Australia had read about the ability of some animals to sniff out cancer -- and she had canceled her last several mammogram appointments -- so she scheduled a trip to get the area checked.

Black Lab Outswims Man to Save Dog Being Swept Out to Sea

Joe Markovitch often takes his border collie to Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada, where he loves to fetch big sticks in the harbor. But on Thursday the 12 year-old dog grabbed a stick that turned out to be a little too big. "Because he grabbed it at one end, the current wouldn't allow him to turn, so he just kept swimming out to sea."

Smithsonian Discovers Cute New Mammal Species

Described as a cross between a house cat and a teddy bear, scientists announced the identification of a new mammal species, the olinguito. In the raccoon family, Bassaricyon neblina is the first mammalian carnivore species to be added in the Americas in 35 years, scientists at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington said. The 2-pound olinguito (oh-lin-GHEE-toe), with its large eyes and woolly orange-brown fur, is native to the cloud forests of Colombia and Ecuador.

Abandoned Dog Spotted on Google Maps Gets Rescued

A homeless dog had been living on the streets of Los Angeles for nearly ten years until someone called the group Hope for Paws and told them the large mixed breed could be spotted on Google Maps. The group's founder and executive director Eldad Hagar first lured the dog from under a truck with pieces of cheeseburger. He recorded the entire street rescue on video.

10 U.S. Industries Still Manufacturing at Home

For most of the last century, the United States dominated global manufacturing. Recently though, the nation has lost many factories to cheaper labor markets overseas. But there are still heroic US manufacturing plants scrappy enough to compete in the face of overseas competition. From compact disks to bowling balls, from sparklers to pianos, and even sneakers, here's a look at 10 companies worth celebrating.

Time Capsule Buried by Paul Revere and Sam Adams Discovered in Boston

A time capsule buried in the cornerstone of the Massachusetts statehouse by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere, might have remained hidden forever had it not been for water damage in the building that required structural repairs. The small copper box dating back to 1795 was discovered by repair workers and carefully extracted from plaster by museum experts.