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Young People Are More Savvy and Generous Toward Charities Than Any Other Age Group

Young People Are More Savvy and Generous Toward Charities Than Any Other Age Group
Millennials are also more savvy and generous than any other age group giving to charity for the holidays too.

Whoever keeps claiming that millennials are lazy self-centered needs to do their research, because this new study shows that young people are actually smarter – and more generous – than their older peers.

According to a survey conducted by the Charity Commission of the UK, youths gave an average of $42 to charity during the holiday season – which was more than their older counterparts.

Over half of polled youngsters also said that they regularly performed quick background checks on the charities they were donating to so they could ensure financial transparency and reliability. That number fell to 29% for people over 75 years old.

Additionally, the Charity Commission's research shatters the stereotype that millennials are obsessed with their phones; 44% of 18 to 24 year olds said that they would give up their smartphones for the month of December if it meant raising $670 (£500) for a charity of their choice. Less than a third of the rest of the population said the same.

Helen Stephenson of the Charity Commission said: "This research shows that Christmas remains a time of generous charitable giving, and that is to be celebrated. I'm particularly pleased that young people give generously, but also that they are more likely to make basic checks before giving to their chosen charity than people from their parents' generation."

"This hints at a welcome shift in the public's relationship with charities and shows why charities should be open and transparent about the way they are run and how they spend their money. By doing so they can encourage donors' trust and generosity," she added.

Click To Share The News With Your Young Friends (Photo by Afagen, CC)

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