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Women Find Empowerment and Fun In Female Baseball League

Women Find Empowerment and Fun In Female Baseball League
The time has finally come where women can play the same sports that men can – including competitive baseball.

My passion is baseball. I've always been told baseball is for boys. At age 44 I attended the first Women's Red Sox Fantasy Camp. Playing baseball with other women, being coached by highly skilled women, seeing women umpires, changed me.

Last month I played in a women's baseball tournament in Australia. It was transformational. I met some of the most kick-butt women I've ever known. We ranged in age from 14 to 54 and in skill level from elite to beginner. We played on the same teams and on the same field.

I want to share my story to encourage other girls and women to never give up on their dreams. I now serve on the national committee of Baseball For All. I started a Facebook page to spread awareness of women and girls baseball. And, I co-host a podcast called "Attagirl" about girls and women's baseball.

Check out the Women Belong in Baseball Facebook, Twitter, and blog to find out more.

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