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Most British Women Have Become Comfortable With Their Natural Looks While in Lockdown, Survey Says

Most British Women Have Become Comfortable With Their Natural Looks While in Lockdown, Survey Says
According to a British survey, more than 24% say they're likely to feel more comfortable embracing their natural look once the quarantine is lifted.

When asked whether they were comfortable in their own skin, 73% of British women agreed with the statement—despite the social pressures to look perfect at any age.

The poll of 2,000 adults found that most respondents were content with who they saw in the mirror. In fact, more than 67% said they prefer a "natural look"—both for themselves and for other people, as well.

We are seeing a lot of the natural look these days, as the COVID-19 lockdowns move into their second month. The self-isolation has induced 69% of respondents to wear less make-up than usual.

As a result, more than half have gone to the supermarket make-up free, while 28% have done a video call with a friend while bare-faced.

25 percent all those surveyed said they would be happy to show the "real them" at work— and they have felt comfortable looking natural while on video calls during the current pandemic.

Almost 40% of those under age 24 have felt less pressured to look a certain way while isolated at home, with more than one-quarter saying they will be confident in embracing their natural look when the lockdown is lifted.

Although 81% of the women surveyed wear make-up an average of four days a week, 32% say they would confidently share a bare-faced photo. They might look better, too, in the coming days because—with more time on their hands—34% have taken better care of their skin than usual.

The survey also found that nearly 40% of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 respond with feelings of empowerment when they see celebrities and influencers sporting a natural look for their skin. One-third of the Brits believe it is important for those in the spotlight to celebrate both perfections and imperfections.

A large majority (80%) think it's important for younger generations to grow up being proud of their skin, but they want everyone to celebrate their imperfections.

When it comes to skincare routines, however, only one-quarter of respondents wear SPF, one-fifth of them exfoliate, and 53% moisturize.

The survey, which was commissioned by Skin Proud via OnePoll, encourages people to share their proud skin moments on social media with the hashtag #IAmSkinProud.

"It's great to see how proud and confident the nation already are—we should all be embracing our skin, because ultimately that is what makes us who we are," said Nora Zukauskaite, global head of marketing at Skin Proud. "We want to encourage people to feel proud of every freckle and mole."

Be Sure And Share The Intriguing Survey Results With Your Friends On Social Media…

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