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Woman Delivers Compliment Jars Anonymously to Dozens of Friends With Notes of Praise During Pandemic

Woman Delivers Compliment Jars Anonymously to Dozens of Friends With Notes of Praise During Pandemic
Kimberly Wybenga wanted to brighten the outlook for friends and family during the pandemic so she made and delivered compliment jars

This blog was submitted to WS by one of our readers for publishing. If you have an interesting story of kindness or positivity, be sure and send it to us for review.

We all know 2020 was a rough year and many people turned to thinking about what they could do to improve the situation for themselves or for others.

One of those people was Kimberly Wybenga. She wanted to brighten the outlook for friends and family and wondered ‘who doesn't love a compliment'?

She bought 10 small jars and wrote out compliments for 10 friends that she thought could use a dose of happiness.

Just writing out the compliments brought her joy and she bought 20 more jars to spread the love even further.

She didn't stop there, either. She bought an additional 20 jars bringing the total number of kindness gift jars to 50—and did it all anonymously. Altogether, she hand-wrote 1,750 compliments! (See the video below.)

One recipient commented, "Sometimes the universe knows exactly what you need. This touched me to the core. The thoughtfulness that went into this is amazing."

Another said, "I hope whoever did give this to me realizes just how much I needed this gift. I've opened it and read one when I needed it, but tonight I dumped it all out and read every single nice thing this person said about me."

"I know everyone is dealing with some kind of struggle and I just thought it would be nice to support them any way I could," Wybenga told WS, "even if I didn't know what they were going through."

The 38 year-old tried to deliver her boxes of hope anonymously, signing "a friend" at the bottom of each card. She mailed some packages and hand-delivered others that lived closer to her home in Colorado.

The ones that she hand-delivered, she even tried to disguise herself so if people had cameras, they wouldn't know it was her. Dressed in a black jacket, her long blue hair pulled up into a beanie, and a mask, she placed the boxes on doorsteps. She even parked around corners or down streets so people wouldn't see her car.

All the effort to remain anonymous didn't work much of the time because Wybenga's handwriting was recognized by multiple people. Others looked up her zip code on the package or did some sleuthing and discovered it was her.

"Seeing other people happy brought me so much joy," she said. "The world is a better place with all my friends and family."

She decided to now share the story publicly, in the hope that it would inspire someone else to spread kindness.

Watch her lovely YouTube video below…

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