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Woman Births Twins as Surrogate for Sister Who Had 9 Miscarriages

Woman Births Twins as Surrogate for Sister Who Had 9 Miscarriages
Lisa Auten wasn't about to let her younger sister go through any more heartbreak after nine miscarriages.

Melissa Kayser was heartbroken when she was forced to realize that she couldn't give birth – but luckily, her compassionate older sister volunteered to be her surrogate and bear her child.

The 33-year-old had endured nine miscarriages over the course of three years in her efforts to have children. After undergoing failed fertility treatments, doctors told her to find a surrogate.

"I couldn't stand watching Melissa go through loss after loss," Lisa told Inside Edition. "She hurt so badly and she just wanted a child so bad. If I could help give her a family, then I was going to do it."

After two of Melissa's embryos were implanted in her sister, Lisa successfully gave birth to twin girls named Ashlynn and Tierney who recently turned 6 weeks old.

Under Nebraska parenting laws, Melissa will be able to legally adopt the twins when they turn 6 months old. As for Lisa, she still doesn't want her own children and says she is content to be a fun-loving aunt, instead of a mother.

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