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While Pit Bull Rescues Family From House Fire, She Pulls Baby to Safety By Her Diaper

While Pit Bull Rescues Family From House Fire, She Pulls Baby to Safety By Her Diaper
This 8-month-old pup has a close bond with her baby human – so when a house fire broke out next door, it's no surprise that the dog went to save the infant.

An 8-month-old pit bull named Sasha is being hailed as a hero after her actions helped to save her family from a house fire last week.

Sasha's owner, Nana Chaichanhda, was fast asleep in her Stockton, California housing complex when the pup started to cause a ruckus at the back door.

Bewildered by the dog's sudden outburst at 11PM, Chaichanhda went to let the dog inside.

"I open it and she runs in and starts barking at me like crazy and I was like, ‘OK, this is weird. This is not like her,'" Chaichanhda told FOX 40.

Sasha immediately ran inside and went straight to the room of Chaichanhda's 7-month-old baby daughter, Masailah. More importantly, however, the dog's barking alerted Chaichanhda to the fact that the neighboring house was on fire.

Since she lives in a fourplex, the blaze was quickly spreading to her own home. The 30-year-old mother ran back inside to get her child only to find that Sasha was way ahead of her; the pit bull was trying to pull the baby to safety by her diaper.

Thanks to the dog's quick actions, the family was able to escape the house, wake up the neighbors, call 911, and get everyone to safety. Though her home has been declared uninhabitable, Chaichanhda's sister is now raising funds for the family on GoFundMe while she stays at her aunt's house.

"I owe Sasha my life and my children's," Chaichanhda wrote on the campaign page. "She saved us all. She is our hero. Without her, we probably would've never made it out."

(WATCH the video below)

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