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When 9-Year-old Sees a Kitten Who Can't Walk, He Builds a Tiny Wheelchair to Change Its Life

When 9-Year-old Sees a Kitten Who Can't Walk, He Builds a Tiny Wheelchair to Change Its Life
This clever 9-year-old Brazilian boy has become a hero to his neighbor's disabled kitten.

A clever 9-year-old boy has transformed the life of a kitten after he noticed that it was unable to play to play with its siblings.

João, who is from Paraná, Brazil, first met the little feline during a recent visit to his neighbor's house.

The neighbors were caring for a litter of kittens that had been born only weeks earlier – and while they were all cute as could be, there was one cat in particular that caught João's eye.

"[He] saw a kitten that couldn't walk," João's mother Rogéria Bello Corazza said in a Facebook post. "He was very sad to see the other kittens playing, and that she couldn't join them."

Unable to stop thinking about the disabled animal, João started brainstorming about how he could help her.

Finally, he decided to build her a tiny custom wheelchair using materials he borrowed from a friend. Within minutes of getting her set up with the new set of wheels, she was off and rolling.

Earlier this week, Corrazza posted a heart-melting video of the kitten trying out her wheelchair for the first time, and it has already been shared thousands of times on Facebook.

"I'm very proud of my children, but today was far beyond," said Corrazza. "His joy of being able to help was the best part."

(WATCH the video below) – Photo by Rogéria Bello Corazza

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